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The eighth African Population Conference was hosted by the government of Uganda and the Union for African Population Studies in Entebbe, Uganda, 18-22 November, 2019. The theme of the conference was
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The venue for the conference is the Imperial Beach Resort Hotel in Entebbe.
Thank you to all who participated in UAPS 2019
May 25, 2019. Online submission of papers or abstracts start
July 22, 2019. Deadline for submitting papers or abstracts (extended from June 30)
August, 2019. Authors are notified of papers accepted to regular sessions (extended from July 31).
August 31, 2019. Information to authors of posters and additional sessions, including member/partner-initiated meetings to be incorporated in the main programme
September 15, 2019. Revision of final abstracts to be published in the Conference Programme
October 1, 2019. Submission of final papers to conference website and to discussants and session chairs
November 18, 2019. Conference Begins