
Impact of Birth Interval and Wealth Index on Infant Mortality in Nigeria

Dr. Jang Bahadur Prasad, Assistant Professor
Arvind Kumar, Ph.D. Scholar

To understand the effect of birth interval and wealth index on infant mortality in country of Nigeria. This study used Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS-2013) data, which was analyzed by Bi-variate, multivariate: Cox Proportional Hazard Technique. Infant deaths decrease as wealth increases. The incidences of infant deaths were more in catholic, Christian, and Islam than other religion. Level of education of women, age of mother at first birth shown inverse relationship with infant mortality. A negative association were existing between the size of child at the time of birth and infant deaths. Infant mortality was found more in rural area. It was high among male child. Infant deaths were found more among women had no institutional delivery than had institutional delivery in the country. Negative correlation was observed in between birth interval and infant mortality. Further, this mortality was also shown negative correlation with wealth index.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P1. Poster Session 1