
Assessing Implementation Gaps in Youth-Friendly Services in Five Countries

Elizabeth Leahy Madsen, Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
Burcu Bozkurt, International Youth Alliance for Family Planning
Jill Chanley, Population Reference Bureau
Marissa Falk, Population Reference Bureau
Ramya Jawahar, International Youth Alliance for Family Planning
Christine Power, Population Reference Bureau
Lena Zaguesome, International Youth Alliance for Family Planning

We conducted a mixed methods research study to assess gaps in implementation of policies that support youth-friendly contraceptive services (YFS) across five countries: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda. We conducted 224 key informant interviews, 59 focus group discussions with 266 youth, and an online survey of 118 youth. The research generated a rich dataset of challenges, successes, and opportunities related to YFS implementation, which were analyzed and disseminated with youth in each country through a five-day workshop focused on data validation and policy communication. After participating in a guided advocacy strategy exercise, teams of youth advocates in each country identified and are currently implementing specific advocacy objectives. The data collected in this study have practical implications for policy development, implementation, and programmatic design, while also underscoring the value of elevating youth voices in analyzing and acting on the social context for policy commitment and implementation.

See paper.

  Presented in Session 99. An Assessment of The Impact of Lack Of Quality Youth Friendly Health Services