
The determinants of the demand for hiv testing among cameroonian women

Rosy Pascale Tchouapi Meyet, Université de dschang
Patrick Plane, Université Clermont Auvergne
Aloysius Njong Mom, Université de bamenda

The objective of this paper is, based on the Andersen’s behavioral model, to identify the factors that affect the demand for HIV screening test by Cameroonian women. Using data from the Cameroonian DHS conducted in 2011, the distribution of HIV testing by predisposing, enabling and need factors was done in a first step, to assess the proportion of women ever been tested. Secondly, a probit model was estimated with all these factors to analyse their relationship with the dependant variable. The main findings show that among the predisposing and enabling factors, marital status, occupation and ethnicity, as well as level of education, wealth, transmission and prevention knowledge and HIV observed stigma, were positively related to HIV testing. Among need factors, women who did use condom during the last sex encounter and women who have already given birth were those who were more likely to be tested for HIV.

See paper.

  Presented in Session 101. Behavioural Responses to HIV/AIDS and STIs I