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Ntsieni I. Itani, Statistics South Africa
The aim of this paper is to examine trends in child mortality in three rural sub-populations of South Africa, from the mid-1990s to 2016, using harmonised, longitudinal data from the South African Population Research Infrastructure Network (SAPRIN). The data come from the MRC/Wits Agincourt Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) in Mpumalanga, the Africa Health Research Institute HDSS in KwaZulu-Natal, and the DIMAMO HDSS in Limpopo Province. The analytic approach is continuous-time event history analysis using the survival-time, ‘stset’, commands in Stata. Findings show a rise and subsequent fall in each subpopulation, however the scale and timing are different.
No extended abstract or paper available
Presented in Session P4. Poster Session 4