
The Misconception of Albinism (Causes and Curses): Implication on Maternal Health of Women with Albinism and Their Invisibility in Public Healthcare Centres in Nigeria

Adediran Daniel Ikuomola, Adekunle Ajasin University

The plight of persons with albinism (PWA) in Nigeria have long been viewed and overemphasised in general terms, often explained alongside the numerous causes, curses and stereotypes embedded in the meanings associated with albinism. This article examines the inherent implications of the misconceptions and misrepresentations of facts about the causes and curses of albinism as evident in the social cultural narratives about albinos and albinism and the corollary effect on maternal health and the invisibility of women with albinism (WWA) in public healthcare centres in Nigeria. Specifically the study investigates the nuances endangering WWA from accessing modern healthcare services, the socio-cultural influences, such as beliefs and traditions and the impact on behavioural outcomes of both WWA and medical practitioners. This study aims to provide a reflexive, reality-driven inquiry into the everyday and maternal healthcare challenges and decision-making processes of WWA in Nigeria.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 83. Disability in Africa: Overview and Keys to Understanding