
Contraceptive Knowledge and Use among Youth in Abuja Metropolis, Nigeria.

Nebechukwu Henry Ugwu, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Ijeoma Igwe, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Nigeria
Joseph Okeibunor, University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Background: Contraceptive knowledge is vital to promoting youth’s health. It has been proven to lower the high rates of unwanted pregnancy, STIs including HIV/AIDS. Objectives: The aim was to examine the level of contraceptive knowledge and use among youths’ in Federal Capital Territory (Abuja) Nigeria. Methods: The study adopted an explanatory sequential mixed-method research design. Results: A cross section of five hundred youth were interviewed among youths’ age 15-25. Majority of the youth (58.2%) were sexually active, with sexual debut starting within age 15-19. The prevalence of contraceptive knowledge was very high (78.8%), while (34.6%) were not using any type of contraceptives, even among the educated youth. It was concluded that there is a wide disparity between contraceptive knowledge and use which need to be bridged. There is a need to review policies regarding SRH, as well as sexuality education among youth in Nigeria. Keywords: Contraceptive knowledge, youths, Abuja

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 109. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive and Rights: Success Factors and Barriers