
Building Resilience through Family Planning and Climate Adaptation Finance

Kristen P. Patterson, Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
Charles Kabiswa, Ecological Christian Organization
Raymond Ruyoka, Reproductive Health Uganda

A growing evidence base links women’s use of family planning with reduced human vulnerability to climate change and enhanced resilience. Yet, population and family planning have been left out of climate adaptation finance and strategies. This is a missed opportunity. Through key informant interviews, a literature review, and primary research, we identify strategies to promote the inclusion of family planning in climate adaptation strategies that build resilience, improve health, and enhance women’s economic empowerment. (1) Draw the connections to and build the evidence base for including family planning in multisectoral adaptation approaches (2) Reach out to a country’s designated authority to identify main climate change adaptation decisionmakers and develop an understanding of how adaptation finance flows (3) Engage in a country’s National Adaptation Plan process to connect with stakeholders and identify country-driven adaptation priorities (4) Partner with others to develop and collaboratively implement multisectoral proposals that include family planning.

See paper.

  Presented in Session P2. Poster Session 2