
Are Family Planning Program Benefits Equitably Shared among Population Sub-Groups in Africa?

Bamikale Feyistan, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Baker Maggwa, GHSTAR Program

Are family planning program benefits equitably shared among population sub-groups in Africa? Goal 3.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focuses on “ensuring universal access to reproductive health care services”. Using nationally representative DHS data and concentration index, and measuring FP program benefits using unwanted fertility levels, this paper examines whether women with unwanted fertility in Africa are equitably distributed by equity dimensions of residence, education and wealth quintiles. The analysis shows that although levels of unwanted fertility declined over time, women with unwanted fertility are still disproportionately concentrated among rural women and women at lower levels of education and wealth quintiles. The analysis also shows that improving the distribution of women whose demand for contraception is satisfied by a modern method in favor of rural-based women and women at lower levels of education and wealth quintiles will reduce the disparities in unwanted fertility.

See paper.

  Presented in Session 87. Family Planning in Africa: Who, and Where Are the under-Served?