

Stella Mudondo, PSI
Baker Lukwago, PSI
Peter Buyungo, Population Services International, Uganda

ABSRACT TITLE: Understanding access and penetration of Misoprostol across private and Public Facilities in the Management of Post Abortion Care. AUTHORS: Stella Mudondo, Population Services International (PSI); Baker Lukwago PSI blukwago@psiug.org Peter Buyungo, PSI, PRESENTING AUTHOR: Stella Mudondo PRESENTING AUTHOR’S EMAIL ADDRESS: smudondo@psiug.org In Uganda, Misoprostol is currently distributed through the National Medical Stores (NMS) and through private sector distributors. PSI Uganda in 2018 conducted a follow up survey to understand growth in coverage of Misoprostol in both Private and Public Facilities. Findings from the survey showed that the availability of Misoprostol in facilities/outlets is unreliable and inconsistent because of the number of stock outs reported in the different outlets. Conclusion Increasing Misoprostol Coverage in Uganda with providers trained with the correct dosage in partnership with the Ministry of Health and other partners will decrease on the Maternal Mortality by saving lives through the management of Post Abortion Care.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 21. Post-Abortion Care in Sub-Saharan Africa since the ICPD