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Jane Wanjaria, National Council For Population and Development
Irene Muhunzu, Natioanl Council for Population and Development
Abstract Rapid population growth exerts pressure on natural resources and alters the environment which in turn affects human health and well-being. Integrated Population, Health and Environment (PHE) approach recognizes the inter-linkages between people and their environment and inter-dependence, cross-sectoral collaborations and coordination. Kenya experiences rapid population growth, high fertility rate, high unmet need for family planning, compounding the health and livelihoods which are inextricably linked with natural resources. Kenya developed a PHE multi-media advocacy tool kit to build a strong case to adapt PHE approach in development planning and foster discussion on the need for increased investments in integrated PHE projects The project period was 9 months and key findings are; the cost effectiveness of PHE projects, data gaps, projects are short term and documentation of results limited, confinement to small ecological areas; potential to enhance food security and lower poverty.
Presented in Session P4. Poster Session 4