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Elhakim A. Ibrahim, University of Texas at San Antonio
Sunday Adedini, University of the Witwatersrand
Nigeria contributes over ten percent of global burden of preventable deaths among under-five children. Drawing on 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey kids-recode data of 31,260 live births, this study investigates the nexus between child’s risk status at birth dimensions- determined by maternal age at birth, preceding birth interval and birth order- and risks of dying during neonatal, postneonatal and childhood phases. Results from Cox's proportional hazards models employed revealed that children in avoidable high-risk group exhibit consistently higher adjusted mortality risks in all the three phases [33-56%, p<0.001], while those in unavoidable risk group had the highest risks of dying but only during the neonatal period [56-71%, p<0.001] than those in referenced non-high-risk category. The findings suggest that promoting safe birth practices among women and strengthening primary healthcare system to provide life-saving care for children with elevated risks of dying will increase survival chances among under-five in Nigeria.
Presented in Session P1. Poster Session 1