
Determinants of youth employment in three agribusiness models in Cameroon: a mixed approach.

Larissa Nawo, University of Dschang

What are the determinants of youth employment in three agribusiness models name: plantations, contract farming/out-grower scheme, and commercial farming? To answer this question, mixed approach is used, for the qualitative analysis, we use a focus group discussion. While for the quantitative analysis, multinomial logit model analysis is used for regression. For data collection, android tablets are used instead of traditional research methods as papers based. Tablets offer new capabilities that get embedded in data collection and research process like location tracking, image/audio/video clicks etc. Based on qualitative analysis results, quantitative questionnaire generated, includes youth individual characteristics (age, gender), household levels, and agricultural environment and others factors identified from qualitative analysis based on focus group discussion. For the case study , we consider 500 youths agri-entrepreneurs who have participated to the PEA-Junes program in Centre region of Cameroon. Previous studies suggest that, youths seem to be attracted more to contract farming because it integrate capacity development.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 47. Evaluation of Youth Interventions