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ELIPHAS GITONGA, Kenyatta University
Jackim M. Nyamari, Kenyatta University
Peterson Warutere, Kenyatta University
Anthony Wanyoro, Kenyatta University
The utilization of focused ante natal care in Tharaka Nithi County is 56%. This study examined the influence of short message service in enhancing utilization of focused ante natal care. A single blind randomized controlled trial was carried in three facilities with a final sample for analysis of 241. The intervention was three short message reminders. The study instruments were interviewer administered questionnaires, focus group discussion guide and key informant interview guide. The uptake of focused ante natal care for intervention and control group was 75% and 13% respectively. The intervention increased the probability of using care by 19.6 times (OR: 19.6, P<0.001, CI = 10.06 – 38.37). The effect size was very large (Cohen’s D = 1.55). The study recommends utilization of mobile based short messages to improve ante natal services.
Presented in Session 131. Innovative Community Interventions for Improving Maternal, Newborn, Neonatal, and Child Survival.