
The Impact of a School-Based Menstrual and Reproductive Health Intervention on Education and Health Outcomes of Adolescent Girls in Kilifi, Kenya

Karen Austrian, Population Council - Kenya
Beth Kangwana, Population Council
Erica Soler-Hampejsek

The onset of puberty is a vulnerable time for girls during which they are exposed to a myriad of external pressures which are exacerbated by girls’ lack of reproductive health (RH) knowledge and access to appropriate menstrual hygiene management products. The evaluation of the Nia Project uses a cluster randomized controlled trial design to assess the individual and combined contributions of school-based provision of sanitary pads and comprehensive reproductive health education on girls’ education and reproductive health outcomes. An intent-to-treat analysis was conducted on a sample of 3,276 girls interviewed at the start and end of the 18-month intervention. The RH component improved girls’ self-efficacy, gender norms, RH knowledge and attitudes on menstruation. The sanitary pads component improved girls’ ability to properly manage their menstruation. Neither the individual nor combined interventions had an impact on school attendance, exam performance or educational attainment.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 47. Evaluation of Youth Interventions