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Elias O. Wahab, Lagos State University, Ojo Nigeria
This paper seek to examine the employment implications of early exit to active aging among Nigerian academias. This trend is accompanied by closing of alternative early retirement options in an economy with high unemployment rate. Data sourced from the National University Commission (NUC) and Federal Office of Statistics (FOS). The data comprised among other others reasons for voluntat retirement; reasons for working till retirement age and reasons for working beyond retirement age. The study found high unemployment rate among the prospective academia with health impairment (particularly for men) among the aged academia. Conclusively, the paradigm shift from 65 to 70 years retirement age, increased the employability of older persons at the detriment of younger and more active generation. Key words: Fundamental shift; Early exit; Active aging; University academia; Retirement Age
Presented in Session P4. Poster Session 4