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Eugene K. M. Darteh, University of Cape Coast
Kwamena Dickson, University of Cape Coast
Sarah D. Rominiski, University of Michigan
Cheryl A. Moyer, University of Michigan
The study sought to assess factors associated with the justification of IPV among men in sub-Saharan Africa using data from current Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) of 27 countries Data from the male file of the most current Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) conducted in 27 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Men aged 15-64 were used (N=170,361). Binary logistic regression models were used to examine the relationship between the independent variables and justifying a form of physical IPV. Overall, 33% of men in this sample reported that at least one form of physical IPV was justified, ranging from a high of 67% in Guinea to a low of 12% in Malawi. Education, wealth status, place of residence, marital status, occupation, and age predicted justification of physical IPV among men in sub-Saharan Africa. Policies and interventions should be geared towards breaking the societal norms that affirm women's vulnerability in the society.
Presented in Session P2. Poster Session 2