
Implications of Child Labour Earnings for Household Well-Being in Cameroon

Fabien Sundjo, University of Buea

This study attempts to evaluate the implications of child labour earnings for household wee-being in Cameroon, using individual records of the 2007 Cameroon household consumption survey. Specifically, the study aims at investigating how child labour earnings affect both subjective and objective household well-being. In order to control for potential endogeneity, heterogeneity of responses to well-being, and intra-household correlation problems, use is made of an ordered probit model and a control function econometric approach. This study has policy implications as it inform us whether or not child labour is necessary for household subsistence and enable us to start understanding why parents continue to ignore conventions against child labour.

See paper.

  Presented in Session 149. Household Resources- Generation, Intra-Household Resource Allocation and Flow Patterns