
Family Planning among Men and Women Aged 15-49 Years Old in a Peri-Urban Area of Maputo City, Mozambique

Mehol Jamnadas, Instituto Nacional de Saúde - Moçambique
Joelma Carina Baduro, Instituto Nacional de Saúde - Moçambique
Nílzio Cavele, Instituto Nacional de Saúde - Moçambique
Cremildo Manhiça, Instituto Nacional de Saúde - Moçambique
Américo José, Instituto Nacional de Saúde
Ivalda Macicame, Instituto Nacional de Saúde - Moçambique

The present study aims to assess knowledge, sources and use of Family Planning (FP) methods among men and women aged 15-49 years old in a peri-urban area of Maputo City, Mozambique. We conducted a cross-sectional community-based survey in the surveillance area of Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) - Polana Caniço between October 2018 and June 2019. A total of 3.190 participants were interviewed which 60% were female. Approximately half of participants (57.20%) were using a FP method during the time of the interview. Factors associated with FP were age above 20 years old (p<0.001), being non-professional worker (p=0.016), history of unplanned first pregnancy (p=0.03) and have between 1 to 4 children (p<0.05). The knowledge about FP methods is universal among men and women, however there is considerable discrepancy between knowledge and use of FP methods. Men do not seek information about FP in Health facilities.

See paper.

  Presented in Session P1. Poster Session 1