
Differentials and Determinants of Cervical Cancer Knowledge and Screening in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries

Ann Kiragu, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Richard Kouamé, Ecole National Supériurede statistique et économie appliquée
Elise Kacou, IDUP et Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée (ENSEA)

Morbidity and mortality associated to cervical cancer is rapidly increasing in sub-Saharan Africa, yet it is an avoidable cause of women’s death. This paper aims to contribute to the study of women’s reproductive health by assessing and comparing women’s characteristics and their relationship to cervical cancer knowledge and screening in Ivory Coast, Kenya and Namibia. We use recent DHS surveys data to study proportions and determinants of cervical cancer knowledge and screening. A probit regression model with sample selection is chosen to estimate factors that have an effect on the probability of cervical cancer knowledge and screening. Results show low levels of screening in Ivory Coast and Kenya and age and wealth index as predictors of screening. We conclude that efficiency in the implementation of screening programs and adequate health infrastructure are crucial to reducing cervical cancer mortality rates. Key words: Cervical cancer screening, differentials, determinants, Ivory Coast, Kenya; Namibia.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 28. Reproductive Morbidity