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Paul Waiswa, Reach A Hand Uganda (RAHU)
Humphrey Nabimanya, Reach A Hand Uganda (RAHU)
Helen Patricia Amutuhaire, Reach A Hand Uganda (RAHU)
Gilbert Beyamba, Reach A Hand Uganda
RAHU is promoting voluntary male involvement in Family Planning (FP) by fronting vasectomy as a viable and safe option, targeting men aged 35 years and above, their spouses (Tubal Ligation) and male champions in the 8 piloted districts of Kampala, Wakiso, Iganga, Mityana, Mbarara, Hoima, Mbarara and Arua The campaign frame FP as being a collective responsibility of men and women, as opposed to being just a “women’s issue”. Strategy: The project is using the male champions model who encourages their peers to take up vasectomy as a safe and reliable FP method. Male champions have already undergone the vasectomy procedure and are willing to share their positive experiences. Through conducting integrated community outreaches, clinic-based interventions, district launches, group education sessions, online campaigns, and interpersonal communication, the campaign is breaking the barriers to accessing Vasectomy and Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL). Lessons Learned: Interpersonal communication has been effective.
Presented in Session 22. Interventions and Programs to Improve Family Planning Access among the Underserved, Internally Displaced and the Most at-Risk Populations (MARPs)