
Use of Evidence in Planning for the Transformation of the Ugandan Population

Vincent Operemo, Makerere University

Evidence is critical in deciding priorities, scope of problems and informing policy. However, its use in informing strategies to transform Uganda’s population is limited. This article reviews the extent to which evidence generated informs population policy actions. Available reports indicate that evidence does not often inform decisions. Even where evidence is available, it may not n be used. Challenges notwithstanding, the demand for evidence is rising. Demographic surveys indicate that 68% Ugandans are in subsistence, 21.4% below poverty line and 5.4% fertility rate. It’s this evidence that informed the choice strategies pursued in the National Development Plan (NDP), and as such one of the proposed strategies the upcoming NDPIII is “increasing productivity, inclusiveness and well-being of population”. This article recommends the need to develop and strengthen capacity and visibility of evidence, stakeholder engagement and financing of processes aimed at generating and utilizing the evidence in making demographic decisions.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P1. Poster Session 1