
Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Utilization of Modern Contraceptives among Rural Women in Uganda

Deborah Ayebare, National Planning Authority, Uganda
Otieno Osoro, University of Dar es Salaam

The purpose of the study was to examine the utilization level of modern contraceptives and to analyze the factors that influence the use of modem contraceptives among women who reside in rural areas in Uganda. Using secondary data of Uganda Demographic Health Survey 2016 (UDHS), the study uses a multivariate Probit analysis to examine the factors that influence the use of modern contraceptives among rural women. The results indicate that various socio-economic factors such as; education, age, wealth index of the woman, husband’s education, husband’s desire for children, number of living children and desire for children all significantly influence the use of modern contraceptives. To increase use of modern contraceptives among women in rural areas, investment in female education and involvement of religious leaders in family planning programs should be given prominent efforts. In addition, family planning programs and policies should target men, as well as advocate for and encourage women to have smaller and manageable families.

See paper.

  Presented in Session P1. Poster Session 1