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Eunice N. S. Imasiku, University of Zambia
Bessy Kabongola, University of Zambia
Though crop diversification (CD) has been identified by the Zambian government as an effective method of increasing income, food security and improving nutrition status among smallholder farmers, its adoption has not been impressive because there is still over concentration on maize. This study sought to examine factors influencing CD among smallholder farmers in Mulenge, Kapiri Mposhi. Data was collected from 74 randomly sampled households using structured interviews. Descriptive statistics, Simpson’s Diversity Index (SDI) and the chi-square test were used to analyse the data. The majority were diversifiers (89.2%). Most of the respondents (91.9%) grew maize. Distance to market, cost of transport, means of production (ox-plough), access to means of production were found to significantly influence CD. The SDI was high (0.6). There is need for the government to come up with strategies aimed at increasing access to trading markets and reducing the cost of agricultural implements such as ploughs.
Presented in Session P1. Poster Session 1