
Thursday, November 21 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Kyoga Hall

Session 100
Demography of Mental Health in Africa

Chair: Fredrick Makumbi, Makerere University

1. Suicide Ideation and Its Correlates among University Undergraduates in South Western NigeriaOjo M. Agunbiade, Obafemi Awolowo University/ Department of Sociology and Anthropology; Ayodele Ajibola, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Obafemi Awolowo University.

2. Mental Health and Urban Living in Sub-Saharan Africa: Major Depressive Episodes among the Urban Poor in Lilongwe, Malawi.Jacque Kalongosola, Malawi; Dr Chifundo Zimba, Malawi.

3. Factors Associated with Depression in the Isizulu Speaking Population of South AfricaThembelihle Q. Luthuli, University of Kwazulu-Natal.

4. The Effects of Socio-Economic Factors on Depression and Perceived Health Status (Phs) among a Cohort of Young People (15-24) in South Africa: Evidence from the National Income Dynamics Study (Nids) Waves 1-5.Nelly Ruth Nkhoma, University of Cape Town; Catriona Towriss, University of Cape Town.

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 Other sessions on The Health of Africans: Broader Determinants of Diseases and Synergies