
Thursday, November 21 / 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Kidepo Hall

Session 119
Trends, Determinants and Consequences of Induced Abortion

Chair: Akinrinola Bankole, Guttmacher Institute

1. Understanding the Trends and Variations of Abortion in Regions of GhanaOlolade Julius Baruwa, University of Cape Town; Paul Ajayi, University of Witwatersrand.

2. The Association between Abortion Motivation and Abortion Safety in GhanaNdola Prata, Bixby Center for Population Health and Sustainability, UC Berkeley; Jalang Conteh, University of California, Berkeley.

3. Do Actions Speak Louder than Words? Assessing How Drug Sellers Sell and Dispense Misoprostol for Abortion in Lagos State, Nigeria.Akanni I. Akinyemi, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife; Melissa Stillman, Guttmacher Institute; Amanda Berry, Guttmacher Institute; Erinfolami Temitope, Obafemi Awolowo University; Adesegun O. Fatusi, Obafemi Awolowo University; Olalekan Olagunju; Onikepe Owolabi, Vital Strategies; Ann M. Moore, Guttmacher Institute; Akinrinola Bankole, Guttmacher Institute.

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 Other sessions on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights