
Wednesday, November 20 / 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Kuku Hall

Session 89
Case Studies on Operationalizing the DD within the Context of Agenda 2063 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Chair: LATIF DRAMANI, CREG-CREFAT, Université de Thies, Senegal
Discussant: Sadou Doumbo
Discussant: Ousmane FAYE, Laboratoire D'analyse Economique Et Monétaire (larem), Université C. A. Diop (UCAD), Dakar

1. Capturer le Dividende Démographique en Afrique: cas pratique du Bénin*Ahokpossi Yédodé, Consortium régional pour la recherche en Economie Générationnelle (CREG).

2. L’Objectif de développement durable 3 (ODD3) au Maghreb : réalité et perspective*Nacer Boulfekhar, Université de Blida 2; Mohammed Bedrouni, Université Blida 2.

3. Domestication of Demographic Dividend at Country Level - Kenya's PathwayFrancis Kundu, National Council for Population and Development; Irene Muhunzu, Natioanl Council for Population and Development; Peter Nyakwara, National Council for Population and Development; Nzomo Mulatya, National Council for Population and Development.

4. Operationalizing the Demographic Dividend within the Context of the Agenda 2063 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development:Jane Wanjaria, National Council For Population and Development; Irene Muhunzu, Natioanl Council for Population and Development.

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 Other sessions on Operationalising the Demographic Dividend: What must governments and other stakeholders do?