
Monday, November 18 / 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Theatre Hall

Session 9
First DD and Prospects for the Second DD in Africa

Chair: Ousmane FAYE, Laboratoire D'analyse Economique Et Monétaire (larem), Université C. A. Diop (UCAD), Dakar
Discussant: Michel Tenikue, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)

1. Aging in Africa: Past Trends and Future ImplicationsLara Cleveland, University of Minnesota; Matthew Sobek, University of Minnesota; Steven Ruggles, University of Minnesota.

2. Population Aging: Challenges before the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)Elias O. Wahab, Lagos State University, Ojo Nigeria.

3. Déficit du cycle de vie et capture du dividende démographique en Afrique Subsaharienne : Nécessité d’une autonomisation des femmes sénégalaises*Lesfran Sam Wanilo Agbahoungba, University Mercure International (Guinea) & LAREG, University of Parakou (Benin); LATIF DRAMANI, CREG-CREFAT, Université de Thies, Senegal ; Edem Akpo, CREG-CREFAT.

4. Female Labor Force Participation and Demographic Dividend in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from Asia and Latin AmericaKeita Ohashi, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); Reiko Hayashi, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan.

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 Other sessions on Ageing in Africa