
Thursday, November 21 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Theatre Hall

Session 96
Evaluation of Cash Transfers Interventions

Chair: Michel Tenikue, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)

1. Impacts of an Education Cash Transfer and a Girls Empowerment Program on Adolescent Girls’ Education, Health and Economic Outcomes in KenyaKaren Austrian, Population Council - Kenya; Erica Soler-Hampejsek; Beth Kangwana, Population Council; Yohannes Dibaba Wado, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC); Benta A. Abuya, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC); John A. Maluccio, Middlebury College.

2. Impacts of Social Protection Programs on Children's Resources and Well-Being: Evidence from EthiopiaGetachew Yirga Belete, Bahir Dar University.

3. Unconditional Cash Transfers and Multidimensional Child PovertyIdrissa Ouili, Université de Montréal; Lucia Ferrone, Università degli Studi di Firenze; Amber Peterman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Sudhanshu Handa, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Gustavo Angeles, National Institute of Public Health (INSP), Mexico and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

4. Nutritional and Schooling Impact of a Cash Transfer Program in Ethiopia: A Retrospective Analysis of Childhood ExposureMengesha Yayo Negasi, AddisAbaba Science and Technology University; Mariapia Mendola, University of Milano_Bicocca.

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