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Christabellah Namugenyi, Makerere University
Simon Wandiembe, Makerere University, Kampala
Despite the Uganda government efforts to increase the access and use of essential maternal care services such as Antenatal care services (ANC), the number of women utilizing these ANC services has not increased most especially in the rural areas. The general objective of this study was to determine the factors affecting the utilization of ANC among women in Karamoja region, case of Kotido and Moroto districts. Secondary data was used, which data was collected through a stratified two-stage cluster sampling design. Villages were selected using probability proportional to size sampling and households were sampled using a simple sample technique at the second stage. Bivariate analysis revealed that the number of ANC visits a woman living in Karamoja made was highly influenced by education level of women except their, age, distance to the health facility, marital status, partner involvement, knowledge of HIV risk reduction towards baby and Antenatal care education.
Presented in Session P3. Poster Session 3