Rethinking the Social Dimensions of Child-Spacing among Young Women in Nigeria •
Isaac Adedeji, University of Ibadan; Adedeji Adewusi, Lagos Business School.
Dynamiques démographiques et inégalités résidentielles au Bénin* •
Ahokpossi Yédodé, Consortium régional pour la recherche en Economie Générationnelle (CREG); LATIF DRAMANI, CREG-CREFAT, Université de Thies, Senegal .
Internal Migration, Socio-Economic Status and Remittances: Experiences of Migrant Adolescent Girls’ Head-Porters in Ghana •
Kennedy A. Alatinga, University for Development Studies.
Postpartum and Post-Abortion Contraception and Sexual Inactivity among Single Young Women in Ghana •
Donatus Yaw Atiglo, Regional Institute for Population Studies
; Adriana A. Biney, University Of Ghana.
The Impact of Poverty on Access to Land in Ethiopia:Panel Data Evidence •
Kassie Dessie, Bahir Dar University.
Le célibat définitif des personnes âgées au Cameroun : facteurs explicatifs et vulnérabilités* •
Esther EYINGA DIMI, Bureau Central des recensements et des Etudes de Population (BUCREP).
The Interlink between Domestic Violence and Fertility: Partner Asymmetry and Gender Inequality •
Sasha Frade, University of The Witwatersrand; Clifford O. Odimegwu, University of the Witwatersrand.
Analyse des marqueurs de transition après l’enseignement secondaire au Burkina Faso : Ces voisins qui comptent en ville.* •
Sibi GUISSOU, Institut National de La Statistique Et de La Démographie; Jean-François Kobiane, ISSP; Marc Pilon, IRD Institut de recherche pour le développement.
Factors Associated with Utilization of Skilled Antenatal Care among Teenage Mothers in Zombo District, Uganda: Evidence from a Community Based Cross Sectional Study •
Jerry Ictho, Doctors with Africa CUAMM; Christopher G. Orach, Makerere University; Peter lochoro, Doctors with Africa CUAMM; Sam Ali, Makerere University Clinical Epidemiology Unit; Joanita Nangendo, Makerere University Clinical Epidemiology Unit; Charles Karamagi, Makerere University Clinical Epidemiology Unit.
Attitude towards Negotiation for Safe Sexual Practices in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does Women’s Decision-Making Involvement Matter? •
Chukwuechefulam K. Imo, Adekunle Ajasin University; Clifford O. Odimegwu, University of the Witwatersrand.
Male Roles and under-Five Mortality in Nigeria: An Analysis of Individual and Family Level Factors •
Chukwuechefulam K. Imo, Adekunle Ajasin University.
Interventions to Address Teenage Pregnancy among Girls in School in Malawi: A Literature Review •
Claire Jensen, African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP); Emma Heneine, African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP); Hleziwe Hara, African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP).
Child Mortality Using Bayesian Semi-Parametric Discrete-Time Survival Model •
Tesfaye A. Jimma.
Drivers of and Solutions to Teenage Pregnancy and School Dropout in Malawi: A Qualitative Study •
Chikondi Kasamba, African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP); Claire Jensen, African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP); Nyovani Madise, African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP).
Emergence En 2035 Au Cameroun : Quelles Implications En Termes De Structure Demographique De La Population ?* •
Samuel Kelodjoue, Consultant/Chercheur.
Effets de la Malnutrition Aigüe Sévère (MAS) sur le paludisme chez les enfants de 5 ans au Bénin* •
Foubo Ulrich Kinsa, Ecole Nationale de Statistique, de Planification et de Démographie; Sotima Espérance Demate, Ecole Nationale de la Statistique, de la Planification et de la Démographie de l'Université de Parakou (ENSPD/UP).
Évolution des inégalités sociales de la mortalité des enfants de moins de cinq ans en Côte d'Ivoire.* •
Yao Kouadio, Université de Québec à Montréal (UQAM).
Novel Approaches for Evidence-Based Health Policies for Women of Reproductive Age:–
Small Area Estimation of Population Data. •
Opeyemi O. Latona, University of Ibadan; Ayokunle Olagoke, University of Illinois, Chicago.
Socio-Demographic Predictors of Place of Delivery of a Child in Namibia •
Ofentse Lekgatho, N/A; GOABAONE MABAILA, University of Botswana.
Timing of Infant Mortality: What Are the Predictors in Lesotho •
Ofentse Lekgatho, N/A; Mased Holly Lorato Khata.
Age at First Marriage among Ever Married Women in Zambia: What Are the Determinants? •
Ofentse Lekgatho, N/A.
The Health System Costs of Post Abortion Care in Tanzania •
Naomi Lince-Deroche, Guttmacher Institute; George Ruhago, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences; Philicia Castillo, Guttmacher Institute; Patrice Williams, Guttmacher Institute; Projestine Muganyizi, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences; Akinrinola Bankole, Guttmacher Institute.
Impact du statut socioéconomique des femmes sur les tendances des fécondités désirée et réalisée au Cameroun* •
Mingue Linda Laurel.
La vulnérabilité des personnes vivant avec Handicap à l’égard de l’infection au VIH à Bujumbura* •
Nsabimana Loïc, IFORD.
Décomposition de la santé nutritionnelle des enfants en Mauritanie* •
Yahya Abou Ly, Université Cheikh Anta DIOP de Dakar.
Socio-Demographic Factors Associated with Unplanned Pregnancy among Unmarried Female Youth (15-24) in Botswana •
Kebontse Mabe, University of Botswana; Enock Ngome, University of Botswana.
Parity Progression Ratios and Birth Intervals in Mozambique 1987-2007 •
Francisco Macaringue, Alberto João Macaringue and Julia Rodrigues Pessane; Adriana Miranda-Ribeiro, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG); Laura L. R. R. Wong, Cedeplar/Ufmg.
La pauvreté d’existence comme indicateurs des inégalités de revenus en République Démocratique du Congo* •
Perpétue Madungu Tumwaka, Institut National de la Statistique, Kinshasa; Jacky Kabwe Kabeya, Institut National de la Statistique; Adolphine Mianda Wa Kabuya, INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA STATISTIQUE; Marie José Mapasu Bawimi, Institut National de la Statistique, RD Congo; Elisabeth Kayiba Mbelu, Institut National de la Statistique, Kinshasa.
The Bargaining Power of Female within Household and Choice of Contraceptive Methods with Side-Effect of Hormonal Contraceptive Methods in Sub-Sahara Africa •
Hirotaka Matsuda, Tokyo University of Agriculture; Mayuko Uesaka, Tokyo University of Agriculture; Yuka Shimamura, The University of Tokyo.
Collerrates Od Sexual Behavior among Barmaids in Morogoro Municipality •
Thecla ., P Mendile, Ms.
Urban Extension: An Examination of Socio-Economic Implications of Uncompleted Buildings in Ibadan, Nigeria •
Damilola Micah, Adekunle Ajasin University.
Exploratory Data Analysis Using Interactive Parallel Coordinates Plot Technique in an Epidemiological Study of Multidimensional Health Outcomes. •
Aweke A. Mitku, University of KwaZulu-Natal.
Correlates and Prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation in Mali •
Langutani Nesco LN Miyambu, University of the Witwatersrand; Keselwetse Mirriam Ngake, Lecture.
Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile of Severely Ill or Disabled Children in South Africa •
Nwabisa Mona, University of KwaZulu Natal (Howard).
Trends and Levels of Infant Mortality in Lesotho •
Khauhelo Mota, Wits University.
Population Pressure and Soil Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Panel Evidence from Kenya •
Francisco Mugizi, University of Dar es Salaam, Mkwawa University College of Education; Tomoya Matsumoto, Otaru University of Commerce.
Invisible People. Examining the Experiences of the Elderly in Emergency Situations. The Case of Cyclone Idai , Chimanimani,Zimbabwe. •
Jean Mukoyi, PhD researcher; Ched Nyamanhindi, PhD researcher; Simon Mukwaya, Research Assistant.
Accessibility of anti-Retroviral Therapy to HIV-Infected Inmates in Malawi Prisons; A Cross-Sectional Study of Chichiri Prison in Blantyre, Malawi. •
Catherine Mwalwanda, University of Malawi, College of medicine; Dumisile Nkosi, University of Malawi, College of medicine; Tapiwa Ntwere, University of Malawi, College of medicine.
Factors Affecting the Utilization of Antenatal Care Services by Women in Karamoja Sub-Region, Uganda •
Christabellah Namugenyi, Makerere University; Simon Wandiembe, Makerere University, Kampala.
Les violences basées sur femmes vivant avec le VIH/sida dans la ville de Bouaké (Côte d’Ivoire) : une problématique sociétale* •
Zegré Awin N'guessan, Université Alassane Ouattara; Koffi Yannick Wilfried Tanoh, Université Alassane Ouattara.
Impact of Infant and Child Mortality on Fertility in Kenya. •
Ezekiel N. Ngure, Population Studies and Research Institute, University of Nairobi.
Influence des inégalités de genre sur la planification familiale au Cameroun* •
Marcel Nkoma, Ministry of Economy, Planning and regional develpment.
Fécondité des adolescentes au Cameroun, Mali et Sénégal : Permanences et transformations en cours dans les aspirations des nouvelles générations* •
Samuel Nouetagni, Université de Yaoundé II et Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Appliquées en Sciences Sociales (CERASS).
Female Migrants Heading Household and Rental Housing in South Africa: Insight from Municipalities. •
Philomene Nsengiyumva, University of the Western Cape; Gabriel G. Tati, University of the Western Cape.
Male Fertility Estimates in Uganda: 2001-2016 •
Henry Nsobya, Uganda Development and Health Associates; Elizabeth Nansubuga, Makerere Unviersity; Cyprian Misinde, Makerere University.
Factors Inhibiting Male Participation in Maternal Health. A Case of Mt Hampden Informal Settlement, Zimbabwe •
Chamunogwa Nyoni, Bindura University of Science Education; Peter Njovu, Bindura University of Science Education; Francis Jaji, Bindura University of Science Education; Dagobert Mureriwa, Bindura University of Science Education.
Woodfuel Use in Urban Environment: Analysing Variations and Predictors in Kampala City •
Abel Nzabona, Centre For Basic Research, Kampala.
Influence Des Facteurs Environnementaux Immédiats Dans La Co-morbidité De La Diarrhée et Des Vomissements Chez Les Enfants De Moins De 5 Ans Dans La Ville De Bafia (Cameroun)* •
Suzy Emmanuelle Obama Ntsatoumou, IFORD.
Interrogating the Socio Cultural Factors and the Demand for Children in Benue State of Nigeria •
Idu Ogbe Ode, Benue State University, Makurdi.
Self-Efficacy in Negotiating Sexual Activity and Condom Use among Married Women in Nigeria: Evidence from DHS. •
Kolawole E. Odusina, Federal University Oye-Ekiti.
Contraceptive Use in Nigeria; Prevalence, Factors Associated with Use and Policy Implications •
Modupe Oyindamola Oduwole, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Linnea Zimmerman, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
The Documentation of Lessons Learnt, Best Practices and Recommendations on the Reduction of HIV Spread through Increased Access to Quality, Client Friendly Services and Community Sensitisation. •
Yaqub Patrik Okou, Atonte Cordial Group; William Eriaku, Atonte Cordial Group.
Identifying the Markers of Suicidal Ideation among Twitter Users in Sub-Saharan Africa. •
Emmanuel Olamijuwon, University of St Andrews; Elton Mukonda, University of Cape Town; Ronald Musizvingoza, United Nations University; Garikayi G. B. Chemhaka, University of the Witwatersrand and University of Swaziland; Caroline Kiarie, University of Kwazulu Natal in Durban; Vissého Adjiwanou, Université Du Québec à Montréal.
Fertility Transition in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries: The Role Family Planning Programs •
Bob-Vincent Otieno, African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP); Alfred Titus Agwanda Otieno, University of Nairobi; Anne Khasakhala, University of Nairobi.
Fréquence des accouchements gémellaires en Afrique subsaharienne : niveaux, évolutions & facteurs associés* •
Adama Ouedraogo, Université de Versailles – Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ); Gilles Pison, Muséum National D'histoire Naturelle; Sophie Le Coeur, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED); Abdramane Soura, Université de Ouagadougou.
Recent Trends in Older Adult Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa : an Analysis of the Modal Age at Death in Late Life* •
Soumaïla Ouedraogo, New York University Abu Dhabi; Nadine Ouellette, Département de Démographie, Université de Montréal; Géraldine Duthé, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED).
Innovative ‘Informal’ Mhealth: How Are Community Health Nurses Utilizing Their Mobile Phones to Improve Healthcare Delivery in Ghana? •
Samuel Asiedu Owusu, University of Cape Coast; Albert Machistey Abane, University of Cape Coast; Simon Mariwah, University of Cape Coast; Kate Hampshire, University of Durham; Kasim Adetayo, Durham University.
Enhancing Family Planning Equity for Inclusive Economic Growth and Development •
Kaitlyn Patierno, Population Reference Bureau; Meghan Reidy, Avenir Health; Imelda Feranil, Avenir Health.
Determinants of Female Sterilization Uptake in Uganda •
Anita Paula, Makererere University, school of Statistics and Planning; Abel Nzabona, Centre For Basic Research, Kampala; Richard Tuyiragize, Makererere University, school of Statistics and Planning.
Age at First Sex and Age of Sexual Consent in Botswana: An Exploration of the Socio, Demographic, Health, Policy and Other Implications of Increasing Age of Sexual Consent in the Context of Declining Age at First Sex •
Serai Daniel Rakgoasi, University of Botswana; Joseph Pitso, SADC; Gobopamang Letamo, University of Botswana.
Youth Empowerment Initiative as a Means to Overcome Poverty - Engagement of Youth in Sustainable Food Generation in Nigeria •
Oludele M. Solaja, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria; Akinwale Ariwoola, University of Ibadan; Olumuyiwa Omobowale, University of Ibadan.
Youth Reproductive Health and Economic Outcomes in South Africa •
Oluwaseyi Somefun, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; Winfred A. Avogo, Illinois State University.
Anémie des enfants de moins de 5 ans au Cameroun : un fardeau silencieux au cœur d’un duel rural-urbain* •
Jonas Tchassem Pinlap, Ministère de l'Économie, de la Planification et de l'Aménagement du Territoire (MINEPAT).
Remittances, Investments Of Rural Households And Rural-Urban Migration: Evidence From Six Central Africa Countries* •
FRANK AUDREY TCHOKONTHE, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD); Honore Mimche, IFORD.
Déterminants individuels et contextuels de la forte prévalence de l’anémie au Bénin* •
Constant Tchoukou, Centre de Formation et de Recherche en Matière de Population; Alphonse Mingnimon Affo, Université Abomey Calavi; Justin Dansou, Université de Parakou; Pacôme Acotchéou, Institut Régional de Santé Publique (IRSP).
Profil contraceptif et impact de l’utilisation des moyens de contraception sur la fécondité en Côte d’Ivoire* •
Angèle Tchuisseu Mbomda, Ministère; Fleur Aimée Natacha Owona Ndouguessa, Conseil National de Lutte contre le Sida (CNLS).
Socio-Demographic Determinants of Older Persons Satisfaction with Old Age Security Provisions in Nigeria •
Elias O. Wahab, Lagos State University, Ojo Nigeria.
Prevalence and Determinants of Recent HIV Testing among Older Persons in Rural Uganda •
Stephen Ojiambo Wandera, Makerere University; Betty Kwagala, Makerere University; Fred Maniragaba, Makerere University.
Determinants of Unintended Pregnancy among Currently Married Women in Uganda •
Ronald Wasswa, Makerere University School of Public Health; Allen Kabagenyi, Makerere University, Institute of Statistics And Applied Economics,; Leonard Atuhairwe, Makerere University.
The Consumer’s Market for Family Planning in Uganda, Kenya, and Nigeria •
Nkemdiri Wheatley, Population Services International; Mark Conlon, Population Services International; Hildah Essendi, Population Services Kenya; Julius Ngigi, Population Services Kenya; Anthony Nwala, SOCIETY FOR FAMILY HEALTH,NIGERIA; Chinedu Onyezobi, Society for Family Health Nigeria; Peter Buyungo, Population Services International, Uganda; Baker Lukwago, PSI; Paul Bouanchaud, Population Services International; Brett Keller, Population Services International; Raymond Sudoi, Independent Consultant; Justin Archer, Independent Consultant; Amanda Kalamar, Population Services International.
Missing Women, Sex-Ratios at Birth, and the Demographic Transition •
Joshua K. Wilde, Oxford University.
Reproductive freedom and contraceptive use in Burkina Faso* •
Moussa Zan, ISSP.
Spatial Analysis of Child Mortality and Welfare Differentials in South Africa: Evidences from the 2011 Census •
Samuel A. Zewdie, Ethiopian Development Research Institute; Vissého Adjiwanou, Université Du Québec à Montréal.