
Transition of young people in the situation of NEETs between 2005 and 2011 in Senegal

Mame Adiouma Dieng, Université Cheikh Anta DIOP

In Senegal, young people without education, training and employment are estimated at nearly 46% of the population and constitute a demand for work and a strong social pressure. The public spending on education is increasing almost every year, but the situation is still evident. The aim of this work is therefore to evaluate public policy efforts among young people by studying the different transactions related to the exclusion of young NEETs between the two poverty surveys (ESPSI and ESPSII) by building cohorts. Subsequently, we use state change functions within the cohorts. The results showed that Young people do not have the same chance (probability) of going out (30%) or staying (70%) in this NEET situation. Throughout the study, the results showed that there are disparities in the transition between age groups, as well as by sex and place of residence.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P2. Poster Session 2