
Incidence, Prevalence and Impact of HIV Infections among Older Persons in Nigeria

Elias O. Wahab, Lagos State University

Due to the paucity of data on HIV infection among the older persons, the burden of this disease is almost always ignored, representing significant blind spot in the fight against the disease. Individuals 50yrs+ account for 10% of the cumulative HIV infection in the USA, same is unknown for Nigeria. This study intends to elicit required database. Data sources include UNAIDS, DHS, World Population prospects and Cross sectional study. Data therefore are derived from mathematical, demographic projection models and cross-sectional study. Data analyzed using time-series analysis, estimation model, chi-square and logistic regression among others. The study found that 1/3 of a million of older persons representing 2.1% of the total Nigerian population have HIV compared to above 2millions of those aged 15-49 (3.1 % of the population). Needs of the older persons should be integrated into responses to the HIV epidemic. Key words: Incidence; Prevalence; HIV; Infections; Older persons

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 126. Trends and Health and Socio-economic Implications of Ageing in Africa