
Thursday, November 21 / 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Theatre Hall

Session 126
Trends and Health and Socio-economic Implications of Ageing in Africa

Chair: Abel Nzabona, Centre For Basic Research, Kampala
Discussant: Stephen Ojiambo Wandera, Makerere University

1. Socio-Economic Challenges Facing Elderly: Perspectives and Experiences of Older People in Efolweni Township in Kwazulu Natal.Charlotte Zamokuhle Biyela.

2. Reflections on the Quality of Life of Older People in South Africa Using Data from the South African Social Attitudes SurveyPranitha Maharaj, University of Kwazulu-Natal; Benjamin Roberts, Human Science Research Council.

3. Old-age Mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Censuses and Surveys Estimates*Soumaïla Ouedraogo, New York University Abu Dhabi; Bruno Masquelier, Louvain University (UCL); Géraldine Duthé, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED).

4. Incidence, Prevalence and Impact of HIV Infections among Older Persons in NigeriaElias O. Wahab, Lagos State University, Ojo Nigeria.

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 Other sessions on Ageing in Africa