
Monday, November 18 / 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Executive Room

Session 15
"Diverging Destinies" In sub-Saharan Africa

Chair: Sangeetha Madhavan, University of Maryland
Discussant: Cassandra Cotton, Arizona State University

1. « Mieux vaut être orphelin qu’enfant de parents divorcés » : Ethnographier la stigmatisation des enfants ''des divorcés'' et ''des séparés'' dans la prise en charge des OEV à Ouagadougou.*Adjara Konkobo, EHESS/Marseille.

2. Self-as-Father: Perspectives and Experiences of Young Men on Becoming Fathers.Nokwanele Mhlongo, University of KwaZulu Natal; Pranitha Maharaj, University of KwaZulu-Natal.

3. Associations between Women's Age at First Cohabitation, Education and Lifetime Outcomes in Kenya and NigeriaBamidele E. Ola, Hong Kong Baptist University.

4. Trends in the Social Stratification of Family Formation across Select Countries in Sub-Saharan AfricaKirsten Stoebenau, University of Maryland; Sangeetha Madhavan, University of Maryland; Emily Smith-Greenaway, University of Southern California.

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 Other sessions on Unions, Family, and Households